Dressed up and dateless, an 18 year old Commerce City, Colorado teen opted to wear her prom dress to Game 6 of the NHL Western Conference playoffs. Gertrude Willis was determined not to let her peers’ aversion to fat chicks spoil her Senior Prom. “Like, guys are, like, ashamed to be seen at the prom with a fat chick,” […]
Democrats’ “Thank a baby killer” campaign targets pro-lifers
April 23, 2010 By
The Democratic party has been traditionally pro-choice on the abortion issue, where as Republicans have been traditionally pro-life. Many pro-lifers are traditionally one issue voters-abortion. With midterm elections coming this November, Democrats want to take some of the pro-life vote away from the Republicans.
Russian teen creates iPad app that provides sexual stimulation
April 23, 2010 By
Earth Day 2010: Safety innovations hurting the planet
April 22, 2010 By
Gay revision of the Bible to go on sale
April 21, 2010 By