The Democratic party has been traditionally pro-choice on the abortion issue, where as Republicans have been traditionally pro-life. Many pro-lifers are traditionally one issue voters-abortion. With midterm elections coming this November, Democrats want to take some of the pro-life vote away from the Republicans.
Eager to capitalize on past legislative successes, Democrats want to remind pro-lifers that many popular modern programs are a result of the efforts of the Democratic party.
Many pro-choice candidates have been dubbed as “baby killers” by pro-lifers. The Democratic party wants to take back that derogatory term. “If you are enjoying your monthly Social Security check, thank a baby killer,” reads a billboard in rural Texas. The tag line for a targeted radio campaign states, “Thank a baby killer for the balanced Federal budgets in the 90’s.”
Leaders from the Democratic party want pro-life voters to remember that the Democrats are responsible for a multitude of popular social programs. One Democratic campaign worker’s t-shirt is emblazoned with “Thank a baby killer for Social Security, Medicare, and FMLA.”