Vacant Baptist church to become biggest gay bar in the world

Baptist ChurchA vacant Baptist church in Colorado Springs, Colorado is about to become the largest gay bar in the world, according to its new owners, a consortium of interior designers from Manhattan.  The Pikes Peak Queen Baptist Church will be renamed “The Pikes Peak Glory Hole”.

The Pikes Peak Glory Hole will boast over 60,000 square feet of space for its patrons.  A unique marketing campaign will target cadets at the Air Force Academy, as well as military personnel at Peterson Air Force Base and Fort Carson.  Active military personnel will receive half price drinks, as well as free drinks to uniformed military on Wednesdays.  

 Colorado Springs is home to many Evangelical Christian organizations, including Focus On The Family, who have been quick to condemn the conversion of the church into a gay bar.  Evangelical Christian bloggers have vowed to take pictures of any military personnel entering the bar and post them online.