Taking early advantage of SB1070, Arizona’s tough new immigration law, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, also known as “America’s Toughest Sheriff”, used his posse to conduct raids of Cinco de Mayo parties across Maricopa County last night.
“We targeted Cinqo de Mayo parties because real Americans would never celebrate Cinco de Mayo,” Sheriff Arpaio stated. “We not only asked brown-skinned people to prove they were in this country legally, but we also targeted wedos.” Wedo is a derogatory term used by Mexicans to describe white people.
Raids were conducted at bars, Mexican restaurants, as well as private residences. Upwards of 1,000 people were arrested while celebrating Cinco de Mayo around Maricopa County. “At least 75% of the people arrested were wedos. Yeah, they were white and spoke good English, but those white-skinned Mexicans weren’t fooling my posse. Brown or white, if you can’t prove you’re in this country legally, you’ll be arrested. No one can call me a racist,” Sheriff Arpaio explained.