Singapore to prosecute nose picking drivers

Nose Picking Driver

Singapore, the island state known for their draconian laws and punishment, has added another bizarre law to its books.  The same country that prohibits chewing gum, spitting on the street, and mandates flushing of toilets in public restrooms, has now made it illegal to pick your nose in your car while driving. Enforcement of the […]

Woman who dumped cat in trash to get reality show

 Mary Bale, 45, sparked international outrage when she was caught on CCTV putting a cat in a trash can. The tabby, Lola, was in the trash can for about 15 hours before being found by her owners who heard Lola’s cries for help.  

Hot Russian spy to star in porn movie

Anna Chapman

Anna Chapman, the Russian business woman who was recently deported to her home country from the U.S. for spying, will be cast in a porn movie.  Born Anna Kushchenko in Volgograd, according to U.S. authorities, will be using her American alias as her new stage name.

Earth Day 2010: Safety innovations hurting the planet

It’s enough to make Charles Darwin turn in his grave.  Bicycle helmets, childproof locks, baby gates, and inflatable armbands are hurting the planet, according to a new United Nations environmental report issued today in celebration of Earth Day 2010.

Radical Christian group takes responsibility for bizarre murders

A little known radical Christian group, Revenge for the Risen, has taken responsibility for a series of bizarre murders in Rome, Italy and Israel.  Over the past 3 months, more than 20 non Christian Romans have been thrown into the lion enclosure in Bioparco, formerly known as the Rome Zoo.   During the same period, 12 […]