Egypt cuts internet amid chaos, porn addicts riot

Egyptian porn protest

With Egypt on the brink of anarchy, the Egyptian government has completely cut off internet access to all its citizens.  The action has brought a new wave of protesters to the streets of Cairo-porn addicts.

Government study reveals sexual habits of women with breast implants

breast implants

A $532,000 study, funded by government stimulus money, surveyed 1,231 women who had breast enhancement surgery within the past 5 years.  The government also surveyed 3,289 women without breast implants as a control group.

NY Jets Mark Sanchez turns booger into gold

Mark Sanchez

CBS Cameras caught New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez wiping a booger on the jacket of backup quarterback Mark Brunell during yesterday’s playoff game against the Pittsburgh Steelers.  That booger has turned into a seven figure endorsement contract.

Jack LaLanne dead at 96, to be “juiced”

Jack LaLanne juicer

Jack LaLanne, the fitness guru who helped bring fitness training to TV, has died at the age of 96.  LaLanne died of respiratory failure due to pneumonia yesterday.  His wife, Elaine, was by his side at the time of death.

Thousands of Apple fanboys hold candlelight vigil for Steve Jobs

candlelight vigil

Up to 10,000 Apple devotees, or “fanboys” as they refer to themselves, have formed a candlelight vigil outside of Apple’s corporate headquarters in Cupertino, California.